What is Lamergyre Alloys Limited ?

Lamergyre Alloys Limited is the largest re-industrialisation project in the Coega Industrial Development Zone at the port city of Nelson Mandela Bay, comprising a state-of-the-art 6.5 Million ton-per-annum stainless steel and alloys manufacturing plant. The vertically integrated project design includes significant emphasis on utility self-supply and effective waste and emission management strategies for long-term economic and environmental sustainability.

Optimum Cost Metric

The core industrial development has been scaled to effect a long-term optimum production cost metric. That optimum metric is what informs the decision to design for an output of 6.5M tons per annum, with sufficient product diversity to allow for rapid response to market demands and variances in underlying mineral input costs.

Competitive Advantage

Whereas existing facilities are caught between environmental pressures and the cost premiums inherent in retrofit preventative measures, or post-facto reclamation and remediation, Lamergyre Alloys Limited is able to incorporate the best of breed technology across all strata of this development at the design phase, which provides a self-evident long-term competitive advantage.

Vertical Integration

A key aspect of the sustainability of a project of this magnitude is thorough vertical integration with the core elements of our production logistics. As a consequence, Lamergyre Alloys Limited will be acquiring ownership stakes in the upstream supply chain, allowing maximum flexibility to adapt production demands and output in line with prevailing economic conditions.